================================================================ Title : No_Rest.wad Author : Rob La Rosa Email Address : larosa0071(America Online) Email Address #2 : larosa0071@aol.com (internet) Description: Please let me know what you think about this level! It is my first attempt at making a DOOM level. You can e-mail me at... larosa0071@aol.com This Doom level was made with Geoff Allan's "DoomED - The Real Thing" level editor. If anyone can tell me where I can download a newer version of this editor, I would appriciate it. I used versions 260b and 260b2. It can be found on the Software Creations BBS under the file name dm_260b.zip or de_260b2.zip. The number for the BBS is 508-368-4137. I started out using 260b, however, warp pads do not work and either do doors that must be shot to open using this editor. There are also a few other minor bugs in this version too, for example: Things marked for DeathMatch only will not appear in DeathMatch play. (Kinda makes things difficult, doesn't it??) I would recommend using 260b2. It seems to have fixed these problems. Also note that for some reason, levels that you start building in 260b can be modified, but not saved using 260b2. To get around this I would save the level to map (not for play) and run it through BSP 1.1x node builder. This worked just fine, and I believe BSP is a better node builder that the one currenlty in Geoff's editor. (BSP can also be download on Software Creations or America Online). I like Geoff's editor. It is a little buggy, but not more than any other editor I have tried. It is definately the EASIEST editor to use, although after using the "Real Thing -DoomED" I found that Renegade Graphics's DoomEd is now easier to understand. Have fun and please let me know what you think of my first attempt! Too hard, too easy, whatever. I welcome all comments and constuctive critisism. Rob La Rosa larosa0071@aol.com ================================================================ * Copyright / Permissions * Level design copyright 1994 Robert La Rosa Jr. This level may be distributed freely among BBS's. Permission is NOT given to distribute this level on floppy disk when there is a fee/cost for the disk. If you bought this level and were charged please let me know. Authors may use this level as a base to build additional levels so long as the above restriction on distribution is placed on any derivative levels. * Play Information * Episode and Level # : E1M1 Single Player : Yes Cooperative 2-4 Player : Yes Deathmatch 2-4 Player : Yes Difficulty Settings : Yes (kind of) * Construction * Base : New level from scratch Build Time : 20 hours Editor(s) used : dm_260b (i.e. Geoff Allan's "Real Thing" DoomEd), BSP 1.1x Known Bugs : none!!! Acknowledgments :Geoff Allan for making an awesome editor. (IT'S SOOOO EASY!) Richard Byers and Mark Masselli for beta-testing and input.